In today’s modern business environment with globalization an unconnected event in faraway place will easily impact businesses globally. Covid 19 is an amazing example, started from Wuhan, China #Coronavirus spread worldwide to cause panic and severe business disruption globally.
Businesses overcame many pandemics in the past however, with amount of globalization today business is different more in terms of its workers, customers, vendors, partners and suppliers, making business continuity and pandemic plans far more complex to test and carry out.
Most organizations today are in the process to determine business continuity plan for their companies and understand the need to train and conduct exercises to familiarize employees and emergency teams with the plan. #BusinessContinuity planning requires a good understanding of impact “countrywide lock-down” on business to help ensure that the business can effectively run and continue after a Covid19 pandemic.
Identifying potential impacts on a business and building a framework for flexibility into the business processes and procedures with aim to safeguard and have responses ready to protect the business is business continuity planning.
What we offer
Our experts conduct through study on the coivd19 lock-down affect on the ability of the businesses to deliver its products and services to customers without interruption and effectively plan for mitigation.
We help organizations to create and execute a pandemic preparedness plan alongside their business continuity plan.
Our Process
At BCONZ we have established a seamless process to support our client throughout the business continuity planning process.
Business Impact Assessment
We work collaboratively with the client to identify all of the foreseeable risks which might affect the business through a methodical approach to conducting a business impact assessment looking at four key elements:
• people
• property
• processes
• providers.
Business Continuity Plan
Based on the outcome of the assessment and we develop a business continuity plan out lining, procedure, Management structure for dealing with an incident, loss/damage assessment, etc